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Marble Tea Cake
If you are vegan, or don’t eat dairy products, or fasting for lent, then this is a great recipe that produces a moist and tasty cake. Marble cake is made by mixing different cake mixtures together in the baking tin. When cooked and sliced, you get the marbelling above. You can follow the basic batter mix then alter the flavours to make the different layers.
The strange thing about this cake is that the flavours and texture develop over a number of days. We found it best after 2 days. The first 2 of the thumbnails above were taken on the day it was baked, with the third picture taken 24 hours later (and served with vegan custard). This particular version had vanilla, chocolate and coffee layers.
[important color=grey title=”Vegan Marble Tea Cake Recipe”]
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- 320g plain flour
- 300g caster sugar
- 4 Tbsp cornflour
- 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 300ml soya or rice milk
- 175ml vegetable oil
- 2 Tbsp lemon juice
- 3 Tsp vanilla extract
- 3 Tbsp coco powder
- 1-2 Tbsp chicory and coffee essence
- Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.
- Grease and flour the cake tin.
- Sift all flour into a large bowl and add the sugar and baking powder.
- In a measuring jug mix the soya milk, vegetable oil and vanilla extract.
- Gradually add the liquid mixture to the dry ingredients and stir until mixed well.
- Divide the cake mixture in three bowls, leave one bowl plain and flavour the second bowl with the cocoa powder and the third bowl with the coffee essence.
- To construct the cake add varying “dollops” and swirls of the different cake batters until they have used them all..see the pictures.
- Bake for 30-45 mintues or or until a tester inserted comes out clean.

This looks divine! I will for sure be whipping this up!